Upcoming Breedings
We have two breedings planned for later this year. The parents information is listed below. If you would like additional information on these breedings or would like to put a deposit down to secure a puppy please fill out our application.
Quinney's Unexpected Journery to Troubador
Koda's Health Testing
Echocardiogram performed by Dr. Luis Braz-Ruivo, no murmur, flow rate 1.85
24 Hour Holter 11/26/2023, 8 singles, 0 pairs, 0 runs
Thyroid TgAA Negative
CH Quinney's Pecos Princessa
Visit Peanut's page for her health testing information and additional picture.
Quinney's Unexpected Journey to Troubador
Koda's Health Testing
Echocardiogram performed by Dr. Luis Braz-Ruivo, no murmur, flow rate 1.85
24 Hour Holter 11/26/2023, 8 singles, 0 pairs, 0 runs
Thyroid TgAA Negative
Rodeo's Look'N for a Glass of Bubbly
Visit Bubblez page for her health testing information and additional picture.